Whatever the season, your Newport County getaway can be relaxing or exhilarating. Go window shopping in historic Brick Marketplace, take a leisurely stroll along one of our many beautiful beaches, take in a round of golf at an unhurried pace, visit our many museums and art galleries, enjoy wine and cheese during a sunset cruise.

Or take in a thundering polo match; hit the surf or race aboard an America’s Cup winning 12-meter. Woohooo! Newport generously offers up a superabundance of attractions and activities for visitors of all ages.

For a comprehensive list of things to do during your visit, click the icons below. Sign up for our blog for current and timely information. And it would be swell if you'd “like” us on Facebook.

Newport is an enchanting, historic, sporty, high-style and awe-inspiring year-round destination. Newport will capture your imagination and your heart and never let it go.


Newport Travel Guide
(Digital Version)

Shopping In and
Around Newport

 Newport Stylephile

Where to Dine

Things to Do and
Calendar of Events

 Pet Friendly Newport
 (Coming Soon)

Driving Directions Maps of Newport Area  Getting to Newport